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Become A Professional

프로가 되기 위한 비즈니스 영어

Step 1. 회원가입

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Step 2. 결제하기

Start your course today.

I authorize SplashEnglish to charge me for the order total. I further affirm that the name and personal information provided on this form are true and correct. I further declare that I have read, understand and accept SplashEnglish’s business terms as published on their website. By pressing the order button, I agree to pay SplashEnglish.
The credit card issuer or bank may charge an additional 20원 (KRW) for verification purposes.


Thank you for joining my course. After you go through my training, your English will improve and you will feel more confident and comfortable with your speaking skills.

I’m confident that you’ll love this course. However, if you feel that this is not the right course for you, send me an email within 7 days and I’ll issue you a refund.